Monday, August 23, 2010

Lets get some shit straight right now.. :)

Firstly I want to clarify that I am not depressed. I may come off that way on occasion and by looking at a few of my photos and post you may believe that I am. But in all honesty, I am a happy person. I am fine with my life. People be hatin but I really don't give a fuck. I live my own life, with my own ideas and on occasion like everyone else my own problems. I may be paranoid as hell but I am also probably one of the most hard headed of people as well. None of that shit is depression, its just the feelings I feel inside, and I only express them through photography, I don't go crying to people about them. My political views don't make me a freak, its simply what I have figured out over the past few years.
2. why all the violence? Well...idk, on the inside sometimes I have feelings just like everyone else, but I never go and take action with those. Those are my feelings, and mine to keep. Like a secret :)
3. Yes...I do swear to much, get over it.
4. Why am I blogging, really I have no idea, I guess maybe its for the few followers that I do have, maybe its because I don't like to talk to people about how I feel, much less trust people.
5. I am my own person, I refuse to be molded by society.
6. You don't like my work, please tell me, and tell me why, but no stupid reason like its just not my thing, if its not your thing dont comment, but if you think it really isnt a good shot or concept and what not, please tell me, I love feedback, good and bad. The bad helps make me better, course this is the internet and Im sure there are haters who will say "your gay" well Im no homophob so im cool with that. :)

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